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Homepage>ISO Standards>ISO 37120:2018-Sustainable cities and communities — Indicators for city services and quality of life
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ISO 37120:2018-Sustainable cities and communities — Indicators for city services and quality of life

ISO 37120:2018

ISO 37120:2018-Sustainable cities and communities — Indicators for city services and quality of life

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Standard´s number:ISO 37120:2018

ISO 37120:2018

This document defines and establishes methodologies for a set of indicators to steer and measure the performance of city services and quality of life. It follows the principles set out in ISO 37101 and can be used in conjunction with ISO 37101 and other strategic frameworks. This document is applicable to any city, municipality or local government that undertakes to measure its performance in a comparable and verifiable manner, irrespective of size and location.
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