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BS ISO 5507:2002 Oilseeds, vegetable oils and fats. Nomenclature

BS ISO 5507:2002

Oilseeds, vegetable oils and fats. Nomenclature

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Standard number:BS ISO 5507:2002
ISBN:0 580 40943 0

BS ISO 5507:2002

This standard BS ISO 5507:2002 Oilseeds, vegetable oils and fats. Nomenclature is classified in these ICS categories:
  • 67.200.10 Animal and vegetable fats and oils
  • 67.200.20 Oilseeds
  • 01.040.67 Food technology (Vocabularies)

This International Standard gives the botanical names of the main species of oleaginous plants, together with the names of the corresponding raw materials and oils (fats).

An alphabetical index of the raw materials is also given to assist in the use of this International Standard.

No. Botanical name Name of the raw material Name of the oil (fat)
A1 Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench

cf. Hibiscus esculentus

E) See H4 E) See H4
A2 Aleurites cordata (Thunb.) R. Br. ex Steud.

cf. Vernicia cordata

E) See V1 E) See V1
A3* Aleurites fordii Hemsl. E) Tung nut E) Tung nut oil
A4* Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd. E) Candle nut
Indian walnut
E) Candle nut oil
Artist's oil
Lumbang oil
Kukui oil
A5 Aleurites montana (Lour.) Wils.

cf. Vernicia montana

E) See V3 E) See V3
A6* Anarcadium occidentale L. E) Cashew nut E) Cashew nut oil
A7* Arachis hypogaea L. E) Arachis (seeds)
Groundnut kernel
E) Arachis seed oil
Groundnut oil
Peanut oil
Nut oil
A8* Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels E) Argan nut E) Argan oil
A9 Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.

cf. Prunus armeniaca

E) See P6 E) See P6
A10 Attalea cohune (Mart.)

cf. Orbignya cohune

E) See O4 E) See O4
A11* Attalea speciosa Mart. ex Spreng.;

syn. Orbignya speciosa (Mart.) Barb. Rodr.

E) Babassu kernel E) Babassu oil
A12 Azadirachta indica A. Juss.;

syn. Antelaea azadirachta (L.) Adelbert

E) Neem (seeds) E) Neem oil
B1 Bassia longifolia L.

cf. Madhuca longifolia

E) See M2 E) See M2
B2* Borago officinalis L. E) Borage (seeds) E) Borage (seed) oil
B3 Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. et Coss. E) Brown mustard (seeds)
Indian mustard (seeds)
Rape (seeds)
E) Brown mustard seed oil
Indian mustard seed oil
Rapeseed oil
B4* Brassica napus L. var. oleifera E) Rape (seeds)
E) Rapeseed oil
B5* Brassica nigra (L.) W.D.J. Koch E) Black mustard (seeds) E) Black mustard seed oil
B6* Brassica rapa L.;

syn. Brassica campestris L.

E) Turnip rape (seeds)
Rape (seeds)
E) Rapeseed oil
Canola oil
B7 Butyrospermum paradoxum (Gaertn. f.) Hepper;

syn. Butyrospermum parkii (G. Don) Kotschy

cf. Vitellaria paradoxa

E) See V5 E) See V5
C1* Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz E) Cameline (seeds) E) Cameline seed oil
C2* Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze E) Tea (seeds) E) Teaseed oil
C3* Cannabis sativa L. E) Cannabis (seeds)
Hemp (seeds)
E) Cannabis oil
Hempseed oil
C4* Carica papaya L. E) Papaya (seeds) E) Papaya seed oil
C5* Carthamus tinctorius L. E) Safflower (seeds)
E) Safflower oil
Safflowerseed oil
C6* Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. E) Kapok (seeds) E) Kapokseed oil
C7* Citrus aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle E) Lime (seeds) E) Lime seed oil
C8* Citrus limon L. Burm. f. E) Lemon (seeds) E) Lemon seed oil
C9* Citrus paradisi Macfad. E) Grapefruit (seeds) E) Grapefruit seed oil
C10* Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck E) Sweet orange (seeds) E) Sweet orange seed oil
C11 Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. et Nakai E) Watermelon (seeds)
E) Watermelon seed oil
Oontanga oil
Citrullus spp.
C12* Cocos nucifera L. E) Coconut
Copra (kernels)
E) Coconut oil
Copra oil
C13* Coffea arabica L. E) Coffee bean

E) Coffee seed oil
Arabica or Robusta coffee oil
C14 Corozo oleifera (H. B. K.) L. H. Bailey

cf. Elaeis oleifera

E) See E2 E) See E2
C15* Corylus avellana L. E) Hazelnut E) Hazelnut oil
C16* Crambe abyssinica Hochst. ex R.E. Fr. E) Abyssinian kale (seeds)
Abyssinian cabbage (seeds) Crambe seeds
Sea kale seeds
E) Sea kale oil
Crambe oil

C17* Croton tiglium L. E) Croton (seeds) E) Croton seed oil
C18* Cucumis melo L. E) Musk melon (seeds)
Cantaloupe (seeds)
E) Musk melon seed oil
C19* Cucurbita maxima Duchesne E) Pumpkin (seeds)
Squash (seeds)
Vegetable marrow (seeds)
E) Pumpkinseed oil
Squash seed oil
Vegetable marrow seed oil
Cucurbita pepo L.
C20 Cuphea spp. E) Cuphea (seeds) E) Cuphea seed oil
C21* Cynara cardunculus L. E) Artichoke E) Artichoke seed oil
E1* Elaeis guineensis Jacq. E) Oil palm fruit (pericarp)
Palm kernel
E) Palm oil
Palm kernel oil
E2* Elaeis oleifera (Kunth) Cortés;

syn. Elaeis melanococca auctores non Gaertn.;

syn. Alfonsia oleifera Kunth;

syn. Corozo oleifera (H. B. K.) L. H. Bailey

E) South American oil palm kernel
South American oil palm fruit (pericarp)
E) South American palm kernel oil
South American palm oil
E3* Euphorbia lathyris L. E) Spurge (seeds) E) Spurge seed oil
F1* Fagus sylvatica L. E) Beech nut E) Beechnut oil
G1* Glycine max (L.) Merr. E) Soya bean
E) Soyabean oil
Soybean oil
G2 Gossypium spp. E) Cotton (seeds) E) Cottonseed oil
G3* Guizotia abyssinica (L. f.) Cass. E) Niger seeds E) Nigerseed oil
H1* Helianthus annuus L. E) Sunflower (seeds)
E) Sunflowerseed oil
Sunflower oil
H2* Hevea brasiliensis (Wild. ex A. Juss) Muell. Arg. E) Rubber (seeds) E) Rubber seed oil
H3* Hibiscus cannabinus L. E) Kenaf
E) Kenaf seed oil
Ambadi seed oil
H4* Hibiscus esculentus L. E) Okra (seeds) E) Okra seed oil
H5* Hibiscus sabdariffa L. E) Roselle (seeds) E) Roselle seed oil
I1 Isatis tinctoria L. E) Woad (seeds) E) Woad seed oil
J1* Jatropha curcas L. E) Physic nut
E) Jatropha seed oil,
Physic nut oil
J2* Juglans regia L. E) Walnut E) Walnut oil
L1* Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. E) Calabash (seeds) E) Calabash (seed) oil
L2 Lesquerella fendleri E) Lesquerella (seeds) E) Lesquerella oil
Lesquerella grandiflora
L3 Licania rigida Benth. E) Oiticica (seeds) E) Oiticica oil
L4* Limnanthes alba Hartw. ex Benth. E) Meadowfoam (seeds) E) Meadowfoam seed oil
L5* Linum usitatissimum L. E) Flaxseed, Linseed
Solin (seeds) (low linolenic flaxseed)
E) Linseed oil
Solin oil (low linolenic flaxseed oil)
L6* Lupinus albus L. E) White lupin (seeds) E) White lupin seed oil
L7* Lupinus mutabilis Sweet E) Taroi
Tarwi (seeds)
E) Tarwi seed oil
L8* Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.;

syn. Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karst. ex Farw.

E) Tomato (seeds) E) Tomato seed oil
M1* Macadamia ternifolia F. Muell. E) Macadamia nut
Queensland nut
E) Macadamia oil
Queensland nut oil
M2* Madhuca longifolia (L.) J.F. Macbr.;

syn. Bassia longifolia L.

E) Indian illipe seed
Mowrah seed
E) Indian illipe butter
Mowrah butter
M3 Myristica spp. E) Muscat nut
E) Myristica fats
Ucuhuba oil
N1* Nigella sativa L. E) Black cumin seeds E) Black cumin seed oil
O1* Oenothera biennis L. E) Evening primrose (seeds) E) Evening primrose seed oil
O2* Olea europaea L. E) Olive (pericarp) E) Olive oil
E) Olive kernel E) Olive kernel oil
E) Olive pomace E) Olive pomace oil
O3* Ongokea gore (Hua) Pierre E) Boleko nut
E) Boleko (nut) oil
Isano (nut) oil
O4* Orbignya cohune (Mart.) Dahlgren ex Standl.;

syn. Attalea cohune (Mart.)

E) Ouricouri
Cohune seeds
E) Ouricouri fat
Cohune seed oil
O5* Orbignya huebneri Burret E) Babassu kernel E) Babassu nut oil
Orbignya oleifera Burret
Orbignya martiana Barb. Rodr.
O6 Orbignya speciosa (Martius) Barb. Rodr.

cf. Attalea speciosa

E) See A11 E) See A11
O7* Oryza sativa L. E) Rice bran E) Rice bran oil
P1* Papaver somniferum L. E) Poppy (seeds) E) Poppyseed oil
P2* Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton E) Perilla (seeds)
E) Perilla seed oil
Egoma oil
P3* Persea americana Mill. E) Avocado (pear, mesocarp)
Avocado kernel
E) Avocado pear oil
Avocado kernel oil
P4* Pinus pinea L. E) Umbrella pine E) Pine kernel oil
P5* Pistacia vera L. E) Pistachio E) Pistachio oil
P6* Prunus armeniaca L.;

syn. Armeniaca vulgaris

E) Apricot kernel E) Apricot kernel oil
P7* Prunus domestica L. E) Plum kernel E) Plum kernel oil
P8* Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb var. amara (DC) Buchheim;

syn. Prunus amygdalus Batsch var. amara (DC) Focke

E) Bitter almond kernel E) Almond oil
P9* Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb. var. dulcis (DC) Buchheim;

syn. Prunus amygdalus Batsch var. sativa (C.F. Ludw.) Focke

E) Sweet almond kernel E) Sweet almond oil
P10* Prunus persica (L.) Batsch E) Peach kernel E) Peach kernel oil
R1 Rhus succedanea L. E) Sumac fruit
Sumac berry
E) Japan tallow
Japan wax
R2* Ribes nigrum L. E) Blackcurrant (pips) E) Blackcurrant pip oil
R3* Ricinus communis L. E) Castor (seeds)
Castor bean
E) Castor oil
Castorseed oil
S1* Sapium sebiferum (L.) Roxb. E) Chinese tallow tree (fruit, mesocarp) E) Chinese vegetable tallow
E) Chinese tallow tree (seeds) E) Stillingia oil
S2* Sesamum indicum L. E) Sesame (seeds)
E) Sesameseed oil
Sesame oil
S3* Shorea macrophylla (de Vries) P.S. Ashton E) Borneo illipe
Borneo tallow nut
Shorea illipe nut
Shorea nut
Tenkawang nut (Borneo)
Enkabang illipe (Sarawak)
E) Borneo oil
Borneo tallow
Illipe butter

Shorea stenoptera Burck
S4* Shorea robusta C.F. Gaertn. E) Sal nut E) Sal fat
S5* Simmondsia chinensis (Link) C.K. Schneid. E) Jojoba E) Jojoba oil
S6* Sinapis alba L. E) White mustard (seeds)
Yellow mustard (seeds)
E) White mustard oil
White mustard seed oil
S7* Sinapis arvensis L. E) Charlock (seeds)
Wild mustard seed
E) Charlock mustard- seed oil
T1* Theobroma cacao L. E) Cocoa bean
E) Cocoa butter
Theobroma oil
T2* Toxicodendron succedaneum (L.) Kuntze

cf. Rhus succedanea

E) See R1 E) See R1
T3* Triticum aestivum L.;

syn. Triticum sativum Lam.

E) Common wheat (germ) E) Wheat germ oil
T4* Triticum durum Desf. E) Durum wheat (germ) E) Durum germ oil
V1 Vernicia cordata (Thunb.) Airy Shaw;

syn. Aleurites cordata (Thunb.) R. Br. ex Steud.

E) Japanese wood oil tree (seeds) E) Japanese wood oil
V2* Vernicia fordii (Hemsl.) Airy Shaw

cf. Aleurites fordii

E) See A3 E) See A3
V3* Vernicia montana (Lour.);

syn. Aleurites montana (Lour.) Wils.

E) Tung nut
Mu oil nut
E) Chinese wood oil
China wood oil
V4 Vernonia spp. E) Vernonia (seeds) E) Vernonia seed oil
V5* Vitellaria parodoxa C.F. Gaertn. E) Shea nut E) Shea butter
V6* Vitis vinifera L. E) Grape (seeds) E) Grapeseed oil
Z1* Zea mays L. E) Maize (germ)
Corn (germ)
E) Maize oil
Corn oil

* Term established by ISTA